Accident Coverage

Unfortunately, accidents happen. And even if you have medical insurance, they can create a financial burden for you and your family. Your high-deductible plan could still leave you with thousands of dollars in medical bills. Supplemental insurance helps you financially by providing cash benefits that you can use for medical bills or daily expenses. Nunes Partners offers a range of supplemental insurance plans because we want you to be empowered to handle all of life’s challenges. We’ll help you choose alternative healthcare options that fit your lifestyle.

Accident Benefits

How do accident benefits work in real life? Let’s look at an example for a minor accident. If you sprain your ankle, you’ll go to your doctor’s office for an x-ray, get a brace, and some pain medication. You’ll probably have a copay to see your doctor which is usually around $50. With most healthcare plans, you’ll also need to pay out of pocket for your x-ray which could be up to $1,000 . With accident benefits, you are paid based on how severe your injury is and what type of treatments you receive. This could result in a potential payout of a few hundred dollars to thousands, which can help you cover some of your medical bills.

Covered Accidents

Supplemental insurance covers a range of accidents, from small injuries such as cuts and burns to major injuries like broken bones and dismemberment. Here are a few treatments that your accident insurance may provide benefits for:

Benefits will be paid directly to you, and you decide how to best use the money. Use it to pay your medical bills or to help with your everyday bills while you recover. Accident insurance only covers injuries and doesn’t cover medical events like a heart attack or stroke so you may want to also consider critical illness insurance.

Best Accidental Insurance Plan

At Nunes Partners, we work with a range of insurance providers so we can find the best accidental insurance plan for you. We’ll work within your budget and help you choose a plan that provides the financial protection you need. Whether you are looking for gap coverage to compliment your employer health plan or are interested in building a complete alternative healthcare plan, we’ll make the process simple. Contact us today for more information.