BeReal – The New Instagram

Instagram is being ushered out by the newest photo-sharing app. That’s right. Instagram out. BeReal in.

How it Works

You download the app to your phone. At a random point in the day, you’re prompted to BeReal and are given a two minute window to take a picture. Using your phone’s cameras simultaneously you snap a picture of yourself with the selfie camera and your rear-facing camera takes a picture of what is in front of you.

Not a big deal you say? Here’s the twist. You can’t see the posts of your friends, family, or followers…until…you…post.

You can take a BeReal at any time but until you post it…BeReal just shows you a notification that you need to post. It doesn’t show you your friends’ posts until you contribute one.

You Have to Post to Read or See Posts

Why is this beneficial? This eliminates the ability to lurk online. You can’t just open your app and look at pictures. You must participate to get content.

A lot of Instagram is staged. Even when you’re not participating in an active BeReal notification and just making a post, you have a two minute timer to snap the picture. So, if you can pull it together in two minutes by all means stage it but that’s still a challenge.

A Captive Audience

BeReal doesn’t just have a public feed for users to consume and scroll through for days. It shows your friend’s content. That’s it.

For content creators, they can’t just stage something in two minutes and have the world see their content. They have to engage an audience in order to get the audience.

Sounds Pretty Restrictive. How Would My Business Even Use It?

Tired of having an “insiders group” that gets distracted by Instagram Content Mills? They look at your stuff but there’s a sea of other stuff. When the A.D.D. kicks in it doesn’t matter how dynamic your post was, they have moved on to something else.

BeReal not only forces engagement by you but your user as well. They can’t see what you post until they post. This gives you an opportunity to engage with your customer in real life situations where they might be using your product.

Does Webbin’ It Recommend BeReal?

We can see the value in it, but if you’re still struggling to see that value or have any questions about social media, drop a comment, or schedule a free consultation for your business.

Ryan has taught himself HTML at age 15 and CSS at age 18. That means he's worked with them for 25 and 22 years, respectively. He'll leave the math to you figure out how old he is. Ryan's social media marketing is innovative and he's the recipient of an SEO certification through BoulderSEO.

Written by: Ryan Flynt
Posted on: June 23, 2022
Found in: Social Media

Webbin' It said on June 30, 2022 @ 12:07 am

[…] told you about a new(er) app for social media called BeReal. You can check the post out by clicking here. Don’t worry we will open it in a new tab so you can finish this post first. We talked about […]