Castanet or Cast a Net?

Last week, we told you about a new(er) app for social media called BeReal. You can check the post out by clicking here. Don’t worry we will open it in a new tab so you can finish this post first. We talked about it in preparation for this idea that we’re going to propose.

Getting Over the “Have To”

Social Media, at some point, becomes a must. We find that people get into a love/hate relationship with it. They either recognize the need and ignore it or they choose one network and only one network.

Now, we here at Webbin’ It won’t force you to do anything. However, at every juncture you mention you’re not happy with website traffic, if you aren’t using social media or you’re just on a single network, we’re going to point that out. Then we will make plans with you to make your social media strategy more manageable from day to day. Schedule a consultation and we can even explain in the context of your business and your website.

Getting Over the “I Don’t Want To”

This is especially for those singular network users. Adding anything outside of your routine will be an adjustment. We will grant you that. However, a wise man once said

“To get results we’ve never gotten, we have to do things we’ve never done.”

Expanding your social media doesn’t have to be a headache. In the last post, we told you “don’t start none, won’t be none.” That also rings to true in your participation with social media. It is only a headache if you make it a headache.

Your participation in social media for us as Webbin’ It is, at minimum, creating something with your website’s web address in it. The context of that post is dependent on the social media network you are using but ultimately you’re trying to get people to click on that link and come see you online.

Castanets Casting Nets

Let me give you an idea of what we can do. Let’s say a company selling castanets comes to us. You know, the little finger cymbals? They’re using Facebook solely for social media and they know they need to expand, but their office is small. They just do not have the staff to take too much on related to social media. In talking with them, they know that they number of people coming to their site could be better.

Like we said, we will point out that they are only using Facebook to drive traffic. They agree they could be doing more to get people to the site but they are hesitant to make the jump because of the time it would take away from the business.

We talk with them about their target audiences and they are happy with the reach they have on Facebook, but would like to attract a younger age group. We propose the use of Instagram and immediately there is an objection. It centers around camera and photo quality and the time to take the pictures.

Getting Over “Participation Trophies”

Yes, there are times you need to take the time to participate in a social media platform. But, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a daily thing as much as a consistent thing. We explain you don’t have to post every day, rather you could post at the same time every week. We even put in place a way to gain followers and grow the views on that platform.

It consists of taking picture over the course of 20-30 minutes, between 6-8 pictures. We then tell them to post twice a week on the same day. In that time frame, they can use the pictures on Instagram over the course of three weeks, and we even give them the tools to schedule them in advance.

An employee brings up the idea that they don’t use Instagram because it’s not a platform her friends are on. She describes and app that she likes to use and what she sees on that platform that makes it worth her time. We take a look together and develop a way to use that platform, using her information of what she likes to see and schedule it out over time much like we did with Instagram. We then track those posts with the customer over the next month to see if there is an increase in response, what posts got more response than others, and so on.

After time we see a small bump in using the new platform. We check to make sure there was posting consistency and there was. We notice that a post describing the finger strength exercise good castanet players use with two pictures effectively describing the motion used by good castanet players use got more response than all of the other posts. We then develop a plan that uses that format for future posts.

By analyzing the target audiences and the way they use a particular platform, you can cast a net and see what or who you catch and develop what works for your business.

Ryan has taught himself HTML at age 15 and CSS at age 18. That means he's worked with them for 25 and 22 years, respectively. He'll leave the math to you figure out how old he is. Ryan's social media marketing is innovative and he's the recipient of an SEO certification through BoulderSEO.

Written by: Ryan Flynt
Posted on: June 30, 2022
Found in: Social Media