Start with a Free Consultation

There’s no obligation to sit down with us at Webbin’ It and talk about your website needs. We offer a free consultation so that you can make the best decision for you and your business or non-profit. We will be honest and upfront with you regarding what you need, and what you don’t. Low pressure, and we’ll even buy your coffee…or tea.

Breaking Down Our Time Together

We need to know what is best for you. We can’t tell you that without knowing what you do, why you do it, and what your customers, your donors and volunteers, or your blog followers need to know from your perspective. So, when we come for your free consultation, we want you to be prepared.

Bring Your Goals

We only have one condition: you’re not allowed to say, “I want to get found.” If you understand our web presence philosophy, you’ll know why, and you can read about that here. That means, you will need to think beyond that. What do you want your social media to do for you? What destination do you want your SEO plan to have your audience ultimately end up? Will your blog focus on one subject or many subjects? Bring as much of this information with you to the free consultation and we will cover it all.

Bring What You Have and What You Don’t

People are at different points in their online presence and that’s okay. You may be in a situation where you have a website but need to make major changes to improve your online presence. Maybe your website is in the sweet spot for you as to design, but your SEO strategy is non-existent. There could be great SEO results but no social media plan. Maybe you just need to figure out how to get your online store up and going. Whatever the case, bring your situation to your free consultation.

Because our goal is to be up front and honest about what you need and what you don’t, we will look at what you have, where you are and what your goals are and tailor a plan that suits you. If you don’t need a brand-new website, we aren’t going to put that in your plan. If you need a better social media strategy, we will tell you. If your SEO is good but could be better, we’ll say so.

web design dreams

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