The CEO sees the SEO guy and he’s working on the same thing as he was yesterday. He’s working on the same thing he was working on the day before that.
“Our keywords are set. We get fantastic ROI from what we’re already doing. Why is there work being done on what is already doing well?”
Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence – only in constant improvement and constant change.
– Tom Peters
That is the nature of a great SEO person: they are constantly improving what they have already done for you.
Things change.
Google changes their algorithm, sometimes without warning, and you have to adjust for that change. The number one result you had at one time is no longer guaranteed. Your SEO person is rolling with that change and helping keep you relevant.
Google itself even employs this strategy. The official algorithm updates are often named after animals like Panda and Penguin, although the one major update was once called
Fred. That being said, they don’t come along with an algorithm update and call it something new. They let the SEO world know, sometimes, there has been another update to Panda or Penguin.
At the very least, your SEO person is mimicking the practice of the Search Engines you’re trying to dominate. Get them a Starbucks card for sticking to it!
In addition, search trends change. You’re reading a blog. However, at one point in time, the term was “weblog.” People that had weblogs began to abbreviate it by using ‘blog and then eventually dropped the apostrophe altogether. People could no longer really find “weblogs” because “webloggers” were now “bloggers.” Your SEO person has tools to check and see how your keywords are evolving and how people are finding you. They’re improving your visibility and your reach by keeping track of these terms and adjusting your content accordingly.
Sometimes the fixes your SEO person is working on is not just keywords. It’s site function. If something is broken and they’re also in charge of the website, they’re improving site speed or removing 404’s or building good 301’s for content that has changed. If you have no idea what a 301 or 404 is, that is why you have an SEO person and why you are the CEO.
We also know that many of you are the CEO, CFO, Webmaster, Social Media Manager and SEO person. That’s where Webbin’ It comes in.
We make SEO an element of all of our
web packages and we offer standalone
SEO services. Whatever needs you have, we can meet them and help you slay the beast that is SEO.
Then you’re in a position to constantly improve or have Webbin’ It constantly improve it for you.
Ryan Flynt has SEO Certification from SEO Boulder and has been working on the web for over 25 years. His expertise in HTML, CSS, and SEO is a great combiniation for what most small businesses need in regard to making their voice heard on the web. Contact Webbin’ It today for a free consultation.