The Constipated Golden Goose

You have the product or service. It’s the next best thing since sliced bread.

Or you have a message or cause that needs to be shared with the world. You are being the change you want to see in the world.

You take that motivation and build a website.

Now, you’re wondering why things aren’t moving.

You decide to take initiative and write to the internet powers that be.

Dear Internet

To whom it may concern about my really great website:




Google’s Response

Content Creator,

We here at Google care about you as a user. That being said, we have protocols in place in relation to what we show in search results related to your website. This algorithm dictates that you write your website content based on a user’s experience. If they search for a subject, or “keyword,” and they stick around on your site, we’ll take note that it’s a relevant search result for next time. But, we also keep track of load time. So, if someone spends a lot of time on your site but we detect it’s because it takes too long for your site to load, we’re less likely to share your site. Try to keep up. Think mobile first.



P.S. Because we’re all about the user, we sometimes will change our algorithm, without warning and tell you after the fact. You’re a content creator. Things just are different for you. Try to keep up.

Bing’s Response


I’m sure we speak for all non-Google entities

Shout out to Yahoo! Hey, Duck Duck Go! AOL anyone?

when I tell you that we hold content creators to the same stringent algorithm protocols. Totally.


We just aren’t as stringent on some of Google’s requirements. I mean, let’s be real here, we’re hip to the kids and their needs for searches, so we mimic the Google algorithm when we can, but we put our own…what did MySpace call it…flair…on it. Yeah, we put our own flair on it. Office365 has a low monthly price and it’s on mobile, check it out.

Stay jiggy,


Social Media’s Response

At Facebook, your data is important to us.

How we use your data is our business. We make a lot of our revenue with it. Zuck loves his Sweet Baby Ray’s. He can’t get enough of it. We sell ads and our primary focus is people that pay us for ads as far as search results go. Facebook (we call ourselves Meta, in an unofficial official capacity) is a search engine itself. So, pay for an ad, we’ll show your stuff to some old people.

Your Friend,

Facebook (Meta)

P.S. After the next Facebook News Feed change flap dies down we’re changing our name. Honest!


Our ads are what drives us as far as #algorithms go. But when Google does searches it goes through our #information, too. #relevancy

This is Twitter, btw. Google does use us for #confirmation that you use social media.

Just got a new #owner. There are #rumors that we changing our name to #MuskSpace.

How We Respond at Webbin’ It

It’s a lot, we get it. And we can help you manage it. You’re waiting for your golden egg. We can help you get there.

Written by: Simon
Posted on: April 30, 2022
Found in: SEO, Social Media, Website Management