The Web Presence Recipe

Today I wanted to talk a little bit about the “web presence” that the Webbin’ It team constantly refers to. Too many organizations just starting out think that a web presence begins and ends with a website. Sadly, this belief is limiting them from reaching the masses. If you read my post “Websites: Functional Works of Art” you would know that the website is indeed an important element of building a web presence, but there is so much more.

The Website

A website is really the extension of your physical office or store in the digital realm making it the cornerstone of your web presence. Because of this, a lot of care that needs to be taken when determining the requirements for your website. First and foremost, I like how Michele Brown’s number one point of this is to simply “be present” and take the leap to pay for a domain that showcases you and not a free hosting site. This is a simple, but yet easy way to establish credibility or lose it. From here develop a solid, informative, easy to use, appealing website.


Ok. You’re website is in place, it represents your brand to the Nth degree, and there is no chance a visitor to your site won’t know what you offer and that you are the best at offering it. Wait. Don’t you have visitors? Part of building a solid site should revolve around search engine optimization (SEO). Laiza King confirms that the effective use of SEO techniques can take you from zero to hero. Here is the thing about SEO that is hard to understand. It’s not a one and done piece. We refer to the application of SEO as an ever-changing strategy that consists of continually analyzing and optimizing your website. What’s more is this does not happen overnight. Patience is indeed a virtue in the SEO realm. Even when you finally hit the first page of search results, or even better the numero uno position, SEO must continue to keep you there. It’s because of this that we encourage the use of professionals who have the time and the know-how to keep on top of this oh-so-important aspect.

Social Media

Social media adds so much to building a web presence that it should not be overlooked. Clients and customers alike want you to be a part of their community and this is the best way to do it. This form of free advertising has been working for some time now and according to Warren Jolly, it can bring in consistent sales from the start. But wait, there’s more… More and more people are using social media as a portal for customer support tool. According to a 2016 survey done by SproutSocial, 90% of the people surveyed are connecting with organizations through social media to solve a problem surpassing all other platforms including the phone and email. There is so much to social media that it really needs to have its own post.

You’re not everywhere unless you’re Webbin’ It

Building a web presence is not for the faint of heart. It takes time, dedication, and a ton of work that the average small business owner, nonprofit org, or the like simply does not have time for. To hire professionals in-house can be pretty costly. According to, the average SEO expert makes roughly $42K a year. Add on a web developer and social media manager and you have a dwindling bank account in the making. Whether you are looking for website design and development or SEO and social media management, Webbin’ It can fix you up for a fraction of the cost. Reach out to Ryan and Garrett today. You will be happy you did.
Written by: Simon
Posted on: March 29, 2018
Found in: SEO, Social Media, Web Design