It’s true! I’m talking true love!
Now, I’m sure some of you are thinking of Valentine’s Day and first dates and engagements and I just need you to know I’m not.
The fact of the matter is that Facebook users use Facebook not only as a social media site but as a search engine.
There a three types of searchers.
Facebook users may have heard about you or your product or how great of a cause your organization supports. They go to Facebook to see what you’re doing in real time. When they get to your Facebook page they want to see if you have an audience that understands you and engages with you with reciprocation on your part, what events you have coming up, sometimes even down to your regular business hours.
For this searcher they want to see your involvement with your audience and even want to engage with you.
Facebook users may have heard about you but they go to Facebook to see what you say in comparison to what they’ve heard by scouring your Facebook page for all the information they can. When you are open, phone number, email, latest sale, and most importantly, how people have rated you on Facebook.
They want the facts. Just the facts.
These Facebook users don’t know they need you yet. They just put their search term in Facebook search. They could use Google but they’re already on Facebook, right?
These users use Facebook like Google or any other search engine.
“But Why Would You Use Facebook Like A Search Engine?”
Because Facebook tailors your results to give you the best local options first, using it as a search engine makes it ideal for getting relevant local results.
“But, Simon, nobody is searching for me on Facebook and nobody cares about what I would post!”
First of all, if they’re searching for keywords you use at your site, yes, they do care. They care because they searched for your keyword, they just did it on Facebook.
Second, even if I conceded the notion that no human walking the planet cared about anything you put on Facebook, you would have to agree that Facebook is necessary for a very simple reason. Your popularity on Facebook is a ranking factor for your SEO.
In essence, you are speed dating Facebook users in this sense, so we need to make sure your website is ready for the traffic you’re going to take in a limo to your site by wooing them there through your Facebook page.
There are a lot of factors to doing this and we will discuss them all on Thursday, February 14 at our Facebook Live broadcast at Pikes Perk.
But, what about you? What have been your experiences using social media to attract your audience?